30 september, 2013

Möte med Smålänningen

Hej på er kära bloggvänner!
Hur har ni det? Hoppas ni alla har det bra & njuter av hösten med massor av mys. Det är en ny vecka med nya möjligheter som vi har framför oss. Jag har haft möte med Smålänningen som gjorde reportaget om mig & yogaresan som nyligen publicerades här i bloggen. Det är äntligen dags för en uppföljning så här efter resan & det har nu blivit gjort vilket känns otroligt bra. Jag samarbetar med en jätte trevlig tjej på tidningen som är väldigt givande & det är hon som även ska göra nästa reportage som kommer att handla om upplevelser, erfarenheter & andra trevligheter runt yogaresan. Mötet varade i minst en timme vilket innebär att hon har mycket material att bearbeta & välja ut det absolut bästa. Det ska bli spännande att se vad som kommer med i den färdiga versionen av reportaget av allt som har sagts. Tiden gick så fort för jag hade ju så mycket att dela med mig utav ifrån yogaresan & det är alltid lika svårt att välja när allt har varit så bra. Självklart publicerar jag reportaget sen här i bloggen när det är klart!

Kram Sofie

29 september, 2013


Helgens höstmys bestod av hemmabakad äppelpaj & en god chailatte

28 september, 2013

Kärleksfull Överraskning

Igår kom älskling hem & överraskade mig med ett fång av vackra rosor & choklad, kan man bli mer glad...

27 september, 2013

Interview with yogateacher Mirka

Yoga has been a very big interest in a long time for Mirka & that became her job & lifestyle. Mirka lived in London for many years & decided to follow her heart about perusing her dream to start a yogaretreat in the mountains in costa del sol (Spain) where she lives since 4 years.

"We decided to move to Spain 4 years ago with a very clear vision about opening yogaretreat. My love for yoga and Michael´s passion for cooking seemed the obvious choice for that".

 I met Mirka on her yogaretreat La Rejana during the yogaholiday where it was calm & peaceful with a fantastic view over the mountains. The morning yogasession was completed & the preparations for the meals of the day just started.

How did you came in contact with yoga?
- I was inspired to take up yoga by a Swiss doctor who I met 30 years ago in London. Despite him being in his seventies he was still working as a consultant, in one of London’s hospitals….he was full of energy and had an incredible clear, fresh mind. He confessed to me that it is all thanks to his yoga practice, ha ha ha. I started my yoga journey at the Iyengar Institute in Maida Vale London in 1990.

While she carried on with her Iyengar yoga, attending regular classes with Geraldine Ross, Tusse Silberg and then with Ros Bell, her curiosity of mind led her to expand her knowledge by practising other forms of yoga.Throughout these years the appeal of Iyengar Yoga stayed with her. Mirka taught in North London until she moved to Suffolk in 2006 where she ran weekly yoga classes from her private yoga studio. She also taught at the Self Centre (yoga and alternative therapies centre) in Bury St Edmunds until she moved to Spain in 2010.

What is Iyengaryoga?
- Iyengar Yoga is named after yoga master B.K.S Iyengar. It is a form of Hatha Yoga which strives for precise anatomical alignment in the postures with focus to achieve meditative qualities in the posture. The attention to detail for precision often requires the use of props to achieve desirable effects and to help less flexible students to do postures with good alignment and to minimize the risk of injury.

What do you get for experience of practising Iyengaryoga?
- I am a big fan of Iyengar yoga as Iyengar style marries the art of yoga and a scientific approach to yoga. It develops awareness and sensitivity to your body (using the knowledge of anatomy and physiology), breath and mind.  It makes you aware of the interconnection between body, breath and mind and their impact on each other. Yoga is an inseparable part of me and my life. It influence my whole way of being (movement of my body, way of thinking, breath and feeling. It became a tool for penetration and evolvement in my life. 

- When I start my daily practice of asanas as in my teaching I put emphasis on alignment ( internal awareness of it), safety of extension in asana, broadening of the muscles, ligaments and tendons, creating space in the joints by elongation of the limbs ( in standing postures). I work on the feel of the subtle movements of the internal organs by the lift in the trunk in sitting postures and twists etc. I also work on the feel of the involvement of different muscles depending on the direction in the postures like: forward bends, backwards extensions, lateral and rotational asanas. Through observation and internal awareness of the posture I develop understanding of the posture on the physical, mental and emotional level.

What kind of healthbenefits comes out of yoga?
- Yoga can benefit a variety of the body and mind functions…to lists a few: benefits your joints, muscles, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, renal system, nervous system etc. For example….generally speaking… sitting forward bends postures calm the mind, regulate blood pressure, sooth the nerves and refresh tired brain….While backbends have rejuvenating quality, give you energy, open your chest, make spine flexible, the arms and shoulders strong. On emotional level they build the confidence and courage, make your mind alert.

"This year is our 3:rd year running yoga retreats and we both feel very passionate about perusing our dream to offer quality of teaching and quality of food to our guests" 

Here is Mirkas webpage for more information: